On Thursday night’s Strictly Come Dancing spin-off show It Takes Two, host Janette Manrara welcomed judge Craig Revel Horwood onto the sofa. Speaking about the remaining stars in the competition, the judge confessed he thinks Kym Marsh has come a long way in terms of her confidence. During their chat, he confessed how he knows who is nervous before they perform their routine.
This Saturday the remaining 10 celebrities will take to the dancefloor to try and impress the four judges in week seven.
One of the stars still in the competition is actress and presenter Kym Marsh and her partner Graziano Di Prima.
Despite getting 23 for their first performance in week one, the duo has improved over time and were given a total of 34 from the judges last weekend.
Craig Revel Horwood appeared on the Strictly Come Dancing spin-off show It Takes Two where he spoke about her progress in the competition so far.
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He commented: “I think they’re doing great, I can see them going a long way in this competition!
“He’s really focused, he’s really putting absolutely everything into it now he’s a bit better.
“I really love him, I love watching him. I think even if it’s not entirely technical, what he brings to the dancefloor, that story.”
Currently, Will and Nancy are eighth on the leaderboard after receiving a score of 32 from the judges.
At the bottom of the leaderboard was EastEnders star James Bye who left the competition last weekend with a score of 29.
On the other end of the scale, in joint first are Ellie Taylor and Johannes Radebe and Tyler West and Dianne Buswell who both got 35 for their Halloween routine.
This weekend, Tyler and Dianne will be Waltzing to the song I’ve Been Loving You Too Long, with Ellie and Johannes are dancing the Rumba to Alone by Heart.
Strictly Come Dancing continues this weekend on BBC One at 7pm.