The findings come from a study by the Policy Institute at King’s College London and Ipsos MORI, which also found just a fifth (21 percent) of Remainers said they would interpret the term as an insult. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, woke had meant well-informed and up-to-date. But the phrase can be used to describe someone who is overly alert to perceived or imagined injustice.
Remainers have been viciously mocked over their belief the term “woke” is a compliment.
Reacting to our original story, one Express.co.uk reader wrote: “It just goes to show that if 37 percent of Remainers consider the term woke a compliment how deluded they are.”
A second person said: “How can any group of people be perpetually wrong?”
Another reader reacted: “Woke = snowflake, someone who exists in an unreal world. They are also one of the professionally offended.”
A fourth person simply said: “Only the Woke brigade would think being called Woke is a complement.”
The latest study also revealed most of the UK public have heard little to nothing about the phrases “cancel culture” or “identity politics”
Over recent weeks and months, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has come down hard on “cancel culture”, with historical statues, Shakespeare, and the Union Jack all coming under pressure with some Britons believing free speech is being suffocated.
The research also revealed there was very little knowledge of the culture war debate more generally in the UK.
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The study also showed believing woke is a compliment surges the older the person is.
More than half (52 percent) 16- to 24-year-olds believe the term is a compliment, compared to just 13 percent among those aged 55 and above.
Half of that older age group don’t even know what ‘woke’ means.
Overall, the study found the British public are largely split over whether they consider ‘woke’ as a positive or negative term.
Just over a quarter (26 percent) of the UK public believe it is a compliment, while a similar number (24 percent) find it insulting.