Ex-BBC newsreader Simon McCoy blasts Radio 4 for claiming Brexit 'dire' for country


    Simon McCoy attacked rivals BBC Radio 4 for making the new Nissan plant expansion being built in Sunderland appear “dire” as he and co-host Alex Philips attacked Brexit critics who said businesses would not be attracted to the UK. But the GB News host tried to be sneaky with his attack saying it was a “competitor that rhymes with bore” so he could avoid explicitly calling them out. Ms Philip then delivered a monologue on “project fear” and how the new car manufacturing deal blew those concerns out of the water. 

    Speaking on GB News, Mr McCoy discussed the recent Nissan deal and said it proved many critics of Brexit wrong and that the media should be behind it. 

    He said the coverage had been “dire” and attacked critics who have said the Government has had to subsidise the project.

    The presenter added if the Government did not financially support it then “what was the Government for?”

    Ms Philips then shared her thoughts on the debate and said: “How many times were we told before Brexit that the car industry pack up and move out.

    “Do you remember that? That was a big part of project fear.

    “Well the Chief Operating Officer of Nissan, Ashwani Gupta, has said, and I’m directly quoting him, the key success factor for Brexit has always been trade-friendly business conditions to sustain our business.

    “Not only in the UK but in the whole of Europe.

    “Thanks to Brexit, Nissan is moving forward to use Brexit as an opportunity – that is because they’ve realised that now in the UK we can invest in many of our sectors like the automobile sector.

    It is also estimated a further 4,500 jobs will be created through new and improved supply chains. 

    The expansion hopes to, when operational in 2024, to build 100,000 electric cars every year. 

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited the Sunderland plant ahead of the news being announced and said: “The great thing about this investment and the creation of this gigafactory is it is going to drive down the cost of electric vehicles.

    “Not just for people who are currently buying them but so ordinary families can buy EVs as a matter of course and that will start happening in just a few years’ time.”


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