‘Never have it in house’ Michael Mosley warns certain 'healthy' drinks hinder weight loss


    Dr Michael Mosley is the brains behind The Fast 800 – a series of diet and lifestyle plans which include The Very Fast 800, The New 5:2 and The Way of Life. For anyone looking to lose weight, or if you are unhappy with the small results you are seeing, Dr Michael has one piece of advice, and it’s to do with a popular drink many households have in their fridge or cupboard. 

    It has been over 20 years since the UK first adopted the five-a-day slogan. 

    Not long ago, research suggested we should be going further, increasing our fruit and vegetables to seven, then ten-a-day – that’s 800g of fruit and veg. 

    Many people presume the more fruit and vegetables you eat each day, the better.

    What they don’t realise is the amount of hidden calories or sugar within these ‘healthy’ items.

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    On the surface, fruit juices or smoothies seem to be a healthy option. 

    But there are hundreds of calories in just one portion. 

    “Smoothies have a reputation for being healthy because they are based on fruit,” Dr Michael said. 

    “But unfortunately by the time you get rid of the fibre and the peel you have lost many of the potential health benefits. 

    There are also many low or non-alcoholic versions available of popular alcoholic drinks too, which are lower in calories than the original. 

    In terms of eating whole fruits, Dr Michael previously discussed how they can “hinder weight loss”. 

    He said: “Avoid sweet fruits: berries, apples and pears are fine, but sweet tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple, melon and bananas are full of sugar.”


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