‘No need for anything else!’ Mrs Hinch fans share £1 hack to keep shower doors clean


    Cleaning star Mrs Hinch gained popularity after sharing her cleaning tips and tricks online and on TV. Mrs Hinch, whose full name is Sophie Hinchliffe, now has an impressive 4.1 million followers on Instagram and has authored several books. Fans of hers love her tips so much, they have taken to social media sites to create their own groups dedicated to sharing cleaning tips and tricks.

    “Occasionally, I wipe as I am showering with my soapy sponge beforehand.”

    Kelly Ward said: “Squeegee then e-cloth, wiped down after every use.

    “I have never used any chemicals or cleaned it separately and it is immaculate, no streaks, water marks etc.”

    Jackie Billington said: “Wipe down straight after with a squeegee, no need for anything else.”

    Sandra Tippen said: “I shower every day and use Astonish Shower and Shine and once-a-week I use Viakal.

    “Rinse off and dry with an old towel – sparkling.”

    Carol Benham wrote: “Good clean with Viakal followed by a Karcher window vac after showering.”

    Annod Marie suggested: “I’ve heard of using shaving foam then wash it off and the glass gleams !”

    Sue Penhallow said: “Vinegar, water and washing up liquid.”


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