After almost two years of on and off isolating due to coronavirus, many of our immune systems are not up to the task of fighting off the lurgy.
Many Brits are suffering with a sore throat and a dripping nose, dubbing it the “worst cold ever”.
If you have nasty cold symptoms, don’t rule out Covid before you’ve taken a test.
Once you’ve tested, if you are negative for coronavirus, but still feeling rotten with the “worst cold ever”, you’ll probably be feeling desperate for an effective remedy.
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Colds and flu can typically be treated at home, unless you have a really severe case of the flu, then you should see a doctor.
You might consider speaking to your GP if you’ve got the flu and you’re pregnant, over 65, or have an underlying medical condition.
However, for most people they can treat colds and flu with medicines, natural remedies and plenty of rest.
So what natural remedies and supplements can help you fight off the “worst lurgy ever”?
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Garlic supplements contain the substance allicillin, which not only gives garlic its pungent smell but is also credited with giving your white blood cells a boost.
In one study of 146 people, eating garlic was found to reduce the risk of catching a cold by 63 percent.
5 – Echinacea
This herbal supplement, made from a daisy-like flower, is used as a cure-all home remedy.
Echinacea is anti-inflammatory and full of antioxidants.