4 Things to Expect If You Think You Might Be Pregnant

    Beautiful pregnant mother touching and looking at her pregnant belly at home

    As a woman, you may have some fears or concerns when it comes to pregnancy. While it’s understandable that you might be apprehensive about this, knowing what to expect can make all the difference. Think you might be pregnant? Here are four things you may experience in the coming months.


    There are several methods of pregnancy testing, with the two most popular methods being over-the-counter tests and doctor visits. There are many different at-home tests; some can give you an answer in under 3 minutes, while others are easy-to-read tests that use words and symbols (like + and -) instead of lines to show your results. It’s best to take a test about a week after your missed period, and you should make an appointment with your doctor if your result is positive. If your result is negative but you still suspect you might be pregnant, you should visit your doctor for another test. At-home tests are usually very accurate, but they might give you an incorrect reading If you’re wondering what a woman’s annual exam involves, read more on Woman’s Health Center’s blog: https://womanshealthcenters.com/gynecology-service/annual-exam/

    Symptoms of Pregnancy

    Realizing the symptoms of pregnancy can sometimes be difficult. Every woman’s experience is unique, and symptoms don’t always start right at the beginning of the pregnancy — in fact, each term could be different for you! In general, morning sickness is the most common symptom people experience. This can range from occasional mild nausea to frequent vomiting, and it may last a few weeks or for the majority of your pregnancy. Along with this, you might also experience tender breasts, fatigue, light spotting and frequent urination during your first three months. As your pregnancy progresses, you’re more likely to experience swollen hands and feet, backaches, sore pelvis and unusual food cravings or aversions.

    Regular Check-Ups

    The most important part of pregnancy is going to regular checkups, which help ensure that you and your baby are healthy. The doctor will listen to the baby’s heart every visit to make sure it’s developing properly and ask questions about your progression as well. The further you are, the more frequent your appointments should become — this is to carefully monitor your baby so that by the third trimester, it’s healthy and is properly positioning itself to take its first breath in the world. These visits, along with ultrasounds, will also help you determine if you can give a natural birth or if you need to deliver via c-section.


    Ultrasounds give you those precious first pictures of your baby! This will also make sure your baby is growing properly and at the right pace. At about five months, you should be able to find out the gender of your child, but this time frame is different for everyone. Traditional ultrasounds are 2D images, while 3D ultrasounds show a 3-dimensional image of your baby from all sides.

    It’s natural to be nervous! Pregnancy can be a scary experience, but it’s also one of the most beautiful journeys you can experience. Remember, help is available every step of the way.


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