Crisis for Rishi Sunak as Leave voters abandon Tory Party in droves following Truss chaos


    Rishi Sunak is facing a crisis as a leading pollster has said that leave voters are “of course” abandoning the Conservative Party. Sir John Curtice, a professor of polling at Strathclyde University, warned that the Labour Party is “certainly the favourite to win the next election”. When asked whether this is a result of Leave voters abandoning the Conservative Party, Sir John told “Yes, of course. They have done.”

    He added: “At the moment, the Conservative party is down, having lost Leave voters.

    “They have lost a few Remain voters as well but they have got far more Leave voters to lose.”

    He said that, based on an average of the polls, the party is sitting at around 40 percent support amongst Leave voters.

    This is a fall from having the support of 74 percent of Leave voters in 2019.

    Support from Leave voters, Sir John said, fell sharply at the end of Liz Truss’ chaotic premiership, with the party at that point falling behind Labour when it came to support from 2016 Brexit voters.

    The pollster told that, for the first time since the 2019 election which saw Boris Johnson win a large majority, there is a “possibility that the Labour party might win an overall majority”.

    He explained: “The risk for the Conservatives is perfectly clear.

    “Apart from the current position in the polls, they are going to have to preside over fiscal consolidation in much more circumscribed circumstances than in 2008 because of the state of public services.

    “And one obvious risk is that there will be some disquiet in the Conservative Party about taxes going up again under Sunak, which is clearly something that concerns at least a certain part of the Conservative Party so there will be some division.”

    A poll conducted by Techne UK for last week revealed that the majority of Britons don’t trust Mr Sunak when it comes to Brexit, with one former Brexit minister warning that he needs to prove himself in this area.

    The poll asked 1,624 adults whether or not they trust Mr Sunak on Brexit and EU relations. Just 37 percent of people said yes.

    A total of 47 percent of people answered no, while 19 percent said they do not know.

    When asked if Mr Sunak needed to prove himself when it comes to the EU, a former Brexit Minister told “Yes, absolutely.”

    They explained: “He’s got to continue to make sure that the Northern Ireland protocol bill goes through the House of Lords.

    “He’s also got to make sure that the retained eu law bill goes through parliament.

    “They’re both essential measures. If there is any backsliding on those then people will be concerned that he’s not committed to completing Brexit.”

    He added: “I asked about these things before the leadership, he assured me he’s committed to both so I’m assuming he’ll be as good as his word”.

    Of those who voted to leave the EU in 2016, 42 percent said they do trust the Prime Minister. 34 percent said they don’t trust Mr Sunak, while 24 percent said they don’t know.

    Among 2019 Conservative voters, 55 percent said they trust him to deliver on Brexit, while 33 percent said they don’t. 12 percent said they don’t know.

    The poll was conducted by Techne UK between October 26 and 27.


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